Intention Setting for Ketamine Treatment: A Guide for Managing Depression and Anxiety | ISHA Health

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Setting Intentions for Ketamine Therapy: Sarah's Story and Exercises to Choose Your Own Intention

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Isha Team


December 8, 2022


October 9, 2024


  • Setting intentions for a ketamine therapy session is crucial for maximizing benefits
  • Sarah's story highlights the importance of intention-setting and gradual progression
  • Exercises like journaling and meditation can help choose the right intention
  • Start with broad and positive intentions before moving on to more specific ones
  • Approach the session with an open and receptive mindset, letting go of attachment to outcomes.

Setting intentions for a ketamine therapy session is crucial for maximizing the potential benefits of the medication. These intentions allow you to focus on what you hope to achieve from the experience and create a more purposeful session. However, it's important to approach these intentions with caution and to ensure that you are in a stable and grounded state of mind before exploring deeper or potentially challenging issues.

For many individuals seeking ketamine therapy, the intention-setting process can be a daunting task. However, the process becomes more accessible and intuitive as you become more comfortable with the experience. For instance, Sarah, a woman in her 30s, who recently moved to San Francisco from Denver, shared her story about setting intentions for a ketamine therapy session.

Sarah had heard about the potential benefits of ketamine therapy from a friend in Denver and decided to give it a try to manage her anxiety and depression. However, the experience was new, and she felt unsure about how to approach the intention-setting process. After talking to her clinician, Sarah learned the importance of setting intentions for the session and started with broad and positive ones, such as feeling more relaxed and at ease, experiencing a sense of inner peace and tranquility, and cultivating a greater sense of self-awareness and self-compassion.

During her first session, Sarah found it challenging to let go of her expectations and attachments to specific outcomes. However, as she continued with the sessions, she found that writing down her intentions before the session helped clarify her goals and focus her attention. Additionally, she learned to approach the experience with an open and receptive mindset, allowing herself to fully immerse in the experience and be open to whatever insights or experiences may arise.

As Sarah continued with her therapy, she gradually started setting more specific intentions, such as working through feelings of anxiety or fear related to specific situations, gaining clarity and insights into a particular issue or challenge in her life, and exploring and processing traumatic experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

During one of her therapy sessions, Sarah decided to set an intention to work through her fear of heights. She had always avoided high places, and even the thought of being in a tall building or a rollercoaster made her anxious. However, as she explored her intention during the session, she was surprised to discover that her fear of heights was related to an incident in her childhood, where she fell from a tall tree and broke her leg. As she processed the traumatic experience, she felt a sense of release and gained a new perspective on her fear. After the session, Sarah felt more confident and empowered, and gradually started to challenge herself to face her fear of heights.

Choosing an intention for a ketamine therapy session can be a challenging task. You want to make sure that your intention is aligned with your needs and goals, but you may not know where to start. Luckily, there are exercises that you can do to help you pick the right intention for a particular session.

One exercise that can be helpful is journaling. Take some time before your session to reflect on your current state of mind, emotions, and any issues or challenges that you are facing in your life. Ask yourself what you hope to gain from the ketamine therapy session and what areas of your life you would like to explore.

Write down any thoughts or ideas that come to mind, without worrying about making them perfect or coherent. Just let your thoughts flow onto the paper. Once you have a list of ideas, read through them and see which ones resonate with you the most.

Another exercise is meditation. Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then, focus your attention on your breath and allow any thoughts or emotions to come to the surface without judgment. When you feel ready, ask yourself what intention would serve you best for this particular session.

Again, don't worry about finding the perfect answer. Allow any thoughts or ideas to come to you and simply observe them without judgment. When the meditation is over, write down any insights that you gained and see which ones stand out to you the most.

Start with broad and positive intentions 

For the first few sessions, it's a good idea to focus on broad and positive intentions. This might include seeking relaxation, inner peace, or a sense of connectedness with oneself or others. By keeping the intentions broad, you allow the mind to explore and discover new insights without feeling constrained or restricted.

The examples of broad intentions are below:

  • To feel more relaxed and at ease
  • To experience a sense of inner peace and tranquility
  • To cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and self-compassion
  • To feel more connected with oneself and with others
  • To explore and gain insights into one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

As you become more comfortable with the experience, you can start to set more specific intentions. This might involve working on a particular issue or challenge in your life, such as anxiety around public speaking or relationship difficulties. However, it's important to approach these intentions with caution and to ensure that you are in a stable and grounded state of mind before exploring deeper or potentially challenging issues.

Here are some of the examples of more specific intentions:

  • To work through feelings of anxiety or fear related to a specific situation or event
  • To gain clarity and insights into a specific issue or challenge in one's life, such as a difficult relationship or work-related stress
  • To explore and process traumatic experiences in a safe and supportive environment
  • To enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities by accessing a more open and expansive mindset
  • To cultivate a greater sense of purpose and direction in one's life, by exploring values and goals

The video is a guided meditation for setting intentions and living in alignment with them. Intentions comprise the journey of one's life, while goals are desired outcomes. Getting attached to outcomes can be problematic because we do not have control over them and may miss other possibilities.The meditation starts with setting an intention for the practice and taking deep breaths to relax the body and mind.The aim is to develop a life that aligns with one's intentions and values by using the mind as a tool for change.

While it's important to set intentions for a ketamine therapy session, it's also important to approach the experience with an open and receptive mindset. This means that while you should hold your intentions in mind as you begin the session, you should also be willing to let go of any preconceived expectations or attachments to specific outcomes.

By letting go of attachment to a particular outcome, you can allow yourself to fully experience the effects of the ketamine and be open to whatever insights or experiences may arise. This can help to create a more fluid and organic experience, in which the mind is free to explore and discover without being constrained by rigid expectations or goals.

Writing down your intentions before the session can be helpful in clarifying your goals and focusing your attention. However, once the session begins, it's important to let go of any attachment to the outcome and allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience.

Remember that ketamine therapy is a unique and powerful tool for exploring the inner workings of the mind and promoting mental and emotional healing. By approaching the experience with an open and receptive mindset, you can maximize the potential benefits of the drug and create a more transformative and meaningful experience.

Need some expert guidance? You can book a quick check-in to discuss and reinforce your intentions with your Isha Health clinician.

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