8 Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety | Online At-Home Ketamine Clinic - ISHA Health

Mental Health

8 Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety | Online At-Home Ketamine Clinic - ISHA Health

Written by

Isha Team


August 1, 2022


October 27, 2023

Frequent anxiety episodes interfere with the quality of life. It becomes impossible to rest, sleep, work, socialize, or enjoy simple life simple pleasures when you are constantly on edge. Worry never solves tomorrow's problems, but it robs you of today's joys.

Furthermore, uncontrolled anxiety is not beneficial for your physical and mental health. Mentally, anxiety can morph into something severe like major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Aside from constant headaches from worry and overthinking, this mental condition can cause high blood pressure and heart problems because of the frequent increase in blood flow and heart beating rates.

Additionally, anxiety causes hyperacidity because of frequent vomiting and nausea. The stomach lining can develop ulcers due to constant exposure to stomach acid. It also disrupts your bowel movements resulting in severe constipation or diarrhea. The outcome of this continuous interruption can sometimes even cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and dyspepsia.

The good news is it is possible to control anxiety and keep it from crippling your life and harming your health. Here are some of the ways to manage anxiety at home.

Breathing Exercises

Anxiety raises your breathing to decrease the carbon dioxide in the blood. The feeling of being out of breath at the height of anxiety often comes from the low carbon dioxide level. The best way to increase carbon dioxide levels is by regulating your breathing.

When you start feeling anxious, get comfortable, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. There are many breathing techniques to use.

  • You can count slowly after breathing in and out.
  • Take a slow, deep breath while feeling air flow into your belly, and let your breath flow out gradually.
  • Inhale through your breath using a four count, hold your breath as you count to seven, and exhale with a whoosh sound while counting to 8.

Muscle Relaxation Techniques

Anxiety also increases the tension in your body muscle. The muscular contractions are so intense that they leave you with spasms. They can also make you sore. Muscle relaxation techniques help you release the building pressure.

They are plenty of these relaxation methods:

  • Lie down and start contracting and releasing the muscles on your feet, going up to your hips, then body truck, until you work your way up the body. The exercise lets you release the energy unleashed by anxiety.
  • Get your yoga mat out and stretch your body to release the tension.
  • Sign up for a massage - the masseuse will help you remove the muscle tension through the massage.

Mental Relaxation Techniques

Train your mind to refrain from worrying and anticipating the worst. Anxiety creates a brooding habit, which eventually develops into a severe mental disorder. Mental relaxation techniques enable you to control your thinking and tame the vicious cycle of needless worrying.

  • Employ mindfulness in everyday life to keep your mind focused on the needful. Mindfulness is a state of mental awareness. It shifts your focus from anxiety to your present moment. For example, when eating, you get to savor the food texture, aroma, and pleasures of eating. In relationships, mindfulness enables you to be in the moment and enjoy your interactions.
  • Use meditation to control intrusive thoughts and direct them toward reason and reality. Sit down, relax, and notice your thoughts wander. Correct the anomalies, encourage and be kind to yourself.
  • Use music therapy to calm your anxious mind. Let your heartbeat and breathing adjust to the song beat and align your thoughts to the rhythm. Choose slow-paced songs for a better calming effect.


Take a step back when those intrusive thoughts begin to pop up or when you encounter an anxiety trigger. Take a walk in the park. Walking boosts your blood circulation and strengthens your heart. It also releases feel-good hormones that calm your anxiety. You can also reason out your feelings and thoughts and develop objective solutions during the walk.

Cycling and light jogging also have the same effect. Moderate to high-intensity exercises release feel-good chemicals that enhance calmness, relaxation, and happiness. Maintain your workout routine to stay fit and sustain a positive mood.

Maintain an Active Lifestyle

Idleness is a source of great mental troubles. It provides grounds for your mind to wander off. Find something to do. Fill your day with meaningful activities to reduce the opportunity for worry. Do the next thing, do not wait for the road to clear to start moving. Take the next step and hope for the best.

Learn to Accept and Live with a Final Outcome

If a stressful situation or person is beyond your control, learn to live it alone. You can only change yourself - not people. Accept your reality, learn from your mistakes, and improve where possible. Life gets a lot less burdensome when you become content. It takes away the unnecessary worry or desire to keep up. You get to grow at your pace.

Learn to Be Gentle on Yourself

You are a rare species because there is only one of you. Extend kindness to yourself. If things go wrong, one day, you will get it right. So long as you are alive, there will be seasons of plenty just as there are seasons of lack. Encourage yourself and see the silver lining.

When you fail, instead of worrying, learn from the failure. At least you have learned how not to do something. Failure is inevitable. It eventually comes. How you react to defeat determines how fast you can rise from the ashes.

Learn to laugh at yourself and celebrate your determination. You made it that far with the little resources at your disposal. Go ahead a try again.

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Consult a Clinician

You can always consult a therapist or doctor if you feel your anxiety is beyond your control. Counseling therapist has the resources, expertise, and experience to treat severe anxiety.

At Isha Health, we use ketamine therapy to treat anxiety disorder. Ketamine administered in low doses enables the brain to respond to interventions given during therapy. Click here to find out more about our treatment program. Book a medical free consult with Our medical specialists.

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